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Are you traveling for the first time? Many first-timers may feel some anxiety. It can be overwhelming to plan your trip! Here are some tips to keep you safe and make the most of your adventure. 

Keep Some Flexibility In Your Schedule
You may get to your destination and discover exciting new opportunities you didn’t hear about online. Or maybe you’ll meet travel buddies. Leave some room so you can schedule in new things. You may also appreciate some resting time if you get worn out. You can always have a few “possible” activities to fill those flexible spots in your schedule if nothing comes up. 

Check-In With Your Doctor
Are you traveling internationally? Check-in with your doctor about possible vaccinations. 

Let Your Bank Know Your Plans
You don’t want your bank to think something fishy is going on and turn your cards off. You can often set a travel alert in mobile banking, but you can also talk to them in person. 

Learn to Say Thank You In The Local Language
If you’re traveling somewhere with a foreign language, you don’t need to be fluent to get along. It does help if you can greet people and say thank you. 

Trust Your Gut
This is one of the best safety tips for first-time travelers. Don’t waste time questioning yourself. If you don’t feel safe if you are concerned about someone you see on the street or about the food you’re about to eat, change course. You may be wrong, but it’s best to go with your gut to keep yourself safe. 

Separate Your Money
Keep your money in at least two separate places, so if it is lost or stolen, you’ll be okay. This also means separating your cards if you can. Also, never put your wallet in the back pocket of your pants. 

Be Resilient
Have things gone terribly wrong? That’s okay. View the bumps in the road as part of the journey. You’re out there traveling now! This will make a good story for when you get home. Move on with your day, and don’t let yourself think that a few bumps “set the tone” for the whole trip. Just keep making the best of it and carry on.

Follow Your Curiosity
If you want to make the most of your travels, go ahead and stay curious! Do you wonder where that trail goes? Do you want to ask your tour guide why something is the way it is? Do it! Embrace the new experiences around you and engage with your travels.