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In light of coronavirus taking center stage right now, people might be wondering if it would be a good idea to travel. Perhaps they had a vacation planned, but they soon realized that they might want to postpone it. Should people take a break from travel during the coronavirus? People can travel in today’s COVID-hit world, but they should understand how it isn’t as easy as before. 

Travel Ban Lifted
On August 6, the U.S. State Department lifted a five-month ban that warned all Americans against international travel. People can start to travel again, but they still have to wear facemasks in the airport, and a few dozen countries have been advised against traveling because of coronavirus issues. 

Reopening Borders
People do have a growing number of countries that have begun to reopen their borders to travelers, but some remain closed to tourists from the United States because of problems with the coronavirus. The United States still has a raging problem with the coronavirus, which has been enough reason for some countries to ban tourists from the United States. People can still travel to some European countries like the United Kingdom and Ireland, but they require that the traveler self isolates for 14 days. That basically makes it off-limits to tourists because that’s the duration of a vacation. 

Travel to Canada
Some people might be wondering if they could travel up to Canada. They have been restricted from traveling to Canada until September 21. This means that all non-essential travelers cannot go to Canada. 

Can Someone Travel Domestically?
Some people may wonder if they can travel domestically. In fact, they can travel domestically because no known restrictions exist, but the CDC has warned that this significantly increases a person’s chances of getting the coronavirus because they have a higher chance of being exposed to it. In addition, the governors of New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut all require that a person quarantine for 14 days. Violators of the fine could face a $5,000 penalty. 

People can travel even today, but it has become much more difficult than what it used to be to go traveling. Unfortunately, the coronavirus has restricted some activities.